PBRT Getting Started
To compile PBRT v3, run the following commands:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/mmp/pbrt-v3/
cd pbrt-v3
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make -j
BashTo compile PBRT v4, run the following commands:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/mmp/pbrt-v4/
cd pbrt-v4
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make -j
Bash(Options) After compiling both versions, you can create symbols links for easier access from terminal.
sudo ln -s /[your-pbrt-v4-PATH]/build/pbrt /usr/local/bin/pbrt4
sudo ln -s /[your-pbrt-v3-PATH]/build/pbrt /usr/local/bin/pbrt3
BashNotice: You need to change the PATH above.
If you wanna delete the links, type:
Bashsudo rm /usr/local/bin/pbrt4 sudo rm /usr/local/bin/pbrt3
Some Problem when building pbrt-v4 cmake files:
Error Log:
Could NOT find OpenGL (missing: OPENGL_opengl_LIBRARY OPENGL_glx_LIBRARY
Call Stack (most recent call first):
You need to download the OpenGL Lib:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y \
mesa-utils \
libgl1-mesa-dev \
libglu1-mesa-dev \
freeglut3-dev \
BashError Log:
CMake Error at src/ext/glfw/src/CMakeLists.txt:76 (message):
Failed to find wayland-scanner
Lack wayland-scanner tool when cmake building GLFW, run following command:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y \
wayland-protocols \
BashError Log:
CMake Error at /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/share/cmake/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:645 (message):
The following required packages were not found:
- xkbcommon>=0.5.0
Need download Wayland:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y \
BashWarnning Log:
CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:200 (message):
Found CUDA but PBRT_OPTIX7_PATH is not set. Disabling GPU compilation.
Optix doesn't support WSL2 yet.
Go optix link , download the file.
Maybe you got the file named: “NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-8.1.0-linux64-x86_64-35015278.sh”. (Change the name Remember)
Then, ensure the .sh
file has executable permissions:
chmod +x NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-8.1.0-linux64-x86_64-35015278.sh
BashExecute the installer script:
sudo ./NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-8.1.0-linux64-x86_64-35015278.sh
Bashpress y to accept the license:
Do you accept the license? [yn]:
By default the NVIDIA OptiX will be installed in:
Do you want to include the subdirectory NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-8.1.0-linux64-x86_64?
Saying no will install in: “/home/remo-wsl” [Yn]:
yUsing target directory: /home/remo-wsl/NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-8.1.0-linux64-x86_64
Extracting, please wait…Unpacking finished successfully
Set the Environment Variable After Installation (Remember Change The File Name) :
export PBRT_OPTIX7_PATH=/home/remo-wsl/NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-8.1.0-linux64-x86_64
BashTo make it permanent, add it to your .bashrc
echo 'export PBRT_OPTIX7_PATH=/home/remo-wsl/NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-8.1.0-linux64-x86_64' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
BashFinally, back to the pbrt-v4 PATH:
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DPBRT_OPTIX7_PATH=/home/remo-wsl/NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-8.1.0-linux64-x86_64
make -j$(nproc)
BashMitsuba 3 Getting Started
Python >= 3.8
- (optional) For computation on the GPU:
NVidia driver >= 495.89
- (optional) For vectorized / parallel computation on the CPU:
LLVM >= 11.1
The following command leads you to intall both Mitsuba 3 and JIT (If your system not already available. )
pip install mitsuba